Saturday, March 1, 2008

Travel Dates are set, hopefully!

As long as Darren at AAA can get us the flights we have decided to leave on Wednesday March 26 so we will arrive in Beijing on the 27th. We will have all day on the 27th and 28th to sightsee. Children's hope has a planned tour on the 27th to go to the Temple of Heaven in the morning, lunch at Dai Jia Cun Restaurant, Hutong Tour and Chinese Acrobat show in the afternoon. A whole day of tourning and lunch for $60/adult and $40/child, sounds like a good deal to me.
On Saturday we hope our professor friends from Qingdao University will take the train over and go with us sightseeing. John wants to go to the Great Wall again as he thinks he can climb more stairs this time, HA.
Sunday the 30th our four families will fly to Xinjiang and get settled in and on Monday the 31st, we meet our new son for the first time. The adoption is finalized on April 1st. I asked our exchange student Yue Jia if there was an significance to April 1 in China, and she said, "you mean foolish day?" Oh just great! It means the same thing there. She assured me it was borrowed from Western culture and not a Chinese original.
I'm now in the hunting and gathering mode for the trip. I've had the suitcases out and every once in awhile I'll toss something in. I feel like we are pretty well organized at this point. We should get our visas back this week and our brand new money came into the bank yesterday. In China they are very picky about the condition of our money, it must be in pristine condition, no ink marks, no creases. We were able to order brand new $100 this time around.
We should be flying back to the US on the 10th of April. If we leave early on the 10th, we may even make it back late on the 10th (gain 13 hours) It is a very long trip and I'm hoping our two 4 year olds will be sleepy on the way back. More posting to come.....

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