Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Referral Day

I was sitting at my desk at work when the call came in. Children's Hope International called from the Kansas City office to report that our SCL had just arrived. What is an SCL you ask? It means "seeking confirmation letter" and it is our official referral for our son Xin Tian Bo. This means our dossier has been reviewed by CCAA and found acceptable and our match has been made (with our help with go-round) Lets hope we did half as good a job matching as China did when they matched us with Lily three years ago.
On Tuesday the UPS man/woman will deliver our very special referral. I am hoping for a more recent update on Tian Bo but since the last one was in 11/07 there probably won't be.
Now the clock starts ticking in a very fast way!

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