Monday, October 12, 2009

Sick little boy

It was a quiet weekend and Sunday I took the kids to Sunday school as usual. Luke seemed fine. After lunch at McDonald's and play time in their play land we went home and took naps. Luke slept for two hours and woke up hot to the touch. I always worry when he has a fever since he did have a seizure last year with a fever. I gave him children's Tylenol and he was quiet and subdued, not his usual self at all. He did not eat any dinner but did drink Gatorade with electrolytes. I slept with him and we got up several times during the night. His fever continued. This morning we called the doctor at the moment they opened and of course the line was busy with other parents doing the same thing, making that Monday morning call of desperation hoping to get an appointment. We got an appointment for 10:30am. Although I thought he might have the flu, the doctor said there was crackling in his lower lungs indicating pneumonia. He has had this a couple of times since joining our family, always a loose cough and runny nose. We've been lying on the couch watching movies and just read a chapter in the Mouse and the Motorcycle. Now he is sleeping on the couch. Luke's personality does a complete 180 when he is sick, normally a laughing, energetic boy just ready to do something to aggravate his sister, when he is sick he is listless, sad, very clingy to Mommy. It makes my heart break to see him like this. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon to make him feel better. His fever is persistent and keeps returning after the fever reducer wears off.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Hope he feels better soon, or now since this was a few days ago!!LOL